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 Hey, I’m Sarah!

Three years ago, I hit the quarter-life-crisis. I felt overwhelmed and lost but I decided to take responsibility and create the life of my dreams.

Since then, I’ve climbed to Everest Basecamp, skydived in Australia, scuba dived in Fiji, surfed in Bali and met thousands of amazing people across six continents. I want to help you to do the same.

Taking responsibility and living my life on purpose has enriched my life in so many ways and it’s my mission to teach others how they can stop waiting for direction and instead live an extraordinary life each and every day.

From simple lifestyle modifications to mindset adjustments, I want to show you how this life isn’t just for the well off and privileged.

What else? I grew up in Derbyshire (UK), earned a 1st class degree in physiotherapy, I love painting watercolour flowers and my dream is to be stargazing from the back of a van somewhere in Europe (van conversion in process). I can’t wait to see what your ideal life looks like!

So, what about you?

If there was one word to describe you it would be: passionate-ambitious-up-for-a-challenge-dreamer, (hyphens make it one word right?)

But right now, the one word that describes your current situation is stuck.

Whether you just need to add a little more excitement to your life, or you want to achieve a lifelong dream — you’re in the right place.​

Since you're here right now something tells me that you've made a decision to take control and change your life. Yayyyy, good for you girl!​

But maybe you:

  • Have a goal but have no idea how to make it a reality.

  • Feel like your goal is way too out of reach.

  • Find yourself putting everyone else first and you get left on the sideline.

  • Need a little motivation to kick your butt into gear and achieve your wildest dreams.

Sound about right??

You want to prove to yourself, and everyone else, that you can do it.

You want to get yourself out of that rut that you're in and do something truly amazing.

You're ready to take your dreams to the next level and live a life you truly deserve.

But you just don't know how to get there and it feels so out of reach.

Trust me...I've totally been there.

Around this I have a few core beliefs:

  • I believe the universe needs you and you have every right to be here. I'll provide you with the motivation to see your own worth.

  • I believe you were born with the power to own your life and achieve anything that you want. I'm committed to help you achieve the happiness, love and respect that you deserve.

  • I believe you have a burning desire or aspiration that has somehow got lost along the journey of life and you're ready to bring it to life. I'm here to walk you through the process every step of the way.



Let’s kick the feeling of overwhelm and start creating your dream life.

As the founder of Serenity Seeker Lifestyle, it’s my job to help you find direction and guide you towards your goals.

Everyone learns in different ways so it’s important to find the right style of coaching for you. I’ve got self-directed workbooks, online courses and 1:1 coaching so there’s something here for everyone!

Before I go, I want to invite you to join my email list community. By signing up (it’s free), you’ll receive a download of my FREE lifestyle planner to help you start to make small changes in your life aaaaand we can keep in touch!

Fill in the sign up form below