What are you running away from?

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The other day, someone asked me “Why do you travel? What are you running away from?”

I normally don’t have a problem with talking someone’s ear off but this question really threw me and for once, I was silent! Why do people presume that travel is always a form of escape from a bad situation? That instantly gives it a negative connotation. Truth is I have an amazing job and work with people I love, I have an incredible family and a great support network of friends. I just felt like there was so much more of the world to see.

Then for a second it made me wonder. Am I running away? Am I trying to hide from the responsibilities of a job, meeting a partner, getting on the ever elusive property ladder? *Sigh*. Everyone else around me is settling down and I’m the flightiest I’ve ever been. Nope. I’ve had itchy feet for a looooong time and now it’s time for an adventure! Why wait until retirement to do that when these are the best years of our lives?

My internal answer was this. “I’m not running away, I’m running forwards. I’m running towards every new opportunity that presents itself. I’m looking at the world as though I’ve never seen it before. I’m absorbing as much culture and meeting as many new people as possible. I’m challenging myself to see what I’m actually capable of. I’m finding all of my weaknesses and turning them into strengths”. *Preeeeach*

This again got me thinking (dangerous!). I love travelling because it instils a calmness in me and increases my gratitude for what I already have. It’s amazing how you can actually get through life whilst living out of a single backpack! I travel to meet new people and make long lasting friendships. It enhances my mental health, increases my personal awareness and cultivates my appreciation for different cultures. Travelling clears your mind and challenges all of your beliefs – this I wasn’t completely ready for. It’s amazing what goes through your mind when you have time on your hands. It’s allowed me to become clear on my future goals and the path that I want to take in life. It’s allowed me to prioritise what is truly important to me and where I want to spend my time.

What I actually said was…“I don’t need to run away. Want to grab a beer?”

So…Why do you travel? What are you running towards?

Thank you for reading!

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