If not you, then who?

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Seriously. If not you, then who?

We're all very much conditioned to seek approval externally. Everyone wants to blend in and follow the trends; even at times to their detriment. We've been conditioned to stand in line, follow the rules and not ask questions. When did we lose our sense of individuality?

What if we were to live a life of curiosity? Not to be argumentative or pedantic but to really explore our oportunities. What if we questionned what we saw around us and started to find our own voice?

bright pink back ground with white quote - if not you, then who?

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It's down to us to take ownership and show up in a way that feels authentic for us. Not to satisfy social expectation, but a way in which makes us truly happy.

Let's reignite the spark of playfulness and creativity. Find our voices, stand up for what we believe in and speak our truth loud enough to be heard.

We often feel unsettled when we go through a huge change such as going through a break-up or leaving uni and stepping out into the big wide world.

This happens because our sense of identity had been modelled by the external labels of our lives such as ‘girlfriend’ or ‘student’. When these labels are removed we can feel a very acute sense of overwhelm and lack of direction. We may ask ourselves “who am I now I'm not [insert old label here]?.

We may develop behavioural traits which are trying to make us feel safe such as: withdrawal, over-eating, over-spending, over-working or immersion in the dating scene. When we feel lost and unsure our brain tries to protect us.

Let me tell you, you're so much more than that. You are your own beautifully, unique woman who, deep down, knows exactly what she wants.

This all starts with really getting to know yourself. By understanding who we are and what we stand for on a deeper level, we become magnetic.

Love yourself first because if not you, then who? How can we expect other people to love us, trust us or follow us, if we don't believe in ourselves?

I would always encourage you to work with someone to fully unlock every part of you. You can work with me here, or choose someone else who you trust too. Whoever it is and whatever path you choose to follow, I wish you all the best.

You've got a gift, share it with the world. You are unique and your body/mind contains miracles you have yet to understand. Love yourself first because if not you, then who?

Thank you for reading!

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Why we need social connection and the 10 best ways to achieve it - Part 2